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Accommodation: Sozopolstanovi, Bulgaria

Private accommodations, apartments, rooms, lux villas Sozopolstanovi, Bulgaria



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Complex "Lifestyle 3" is in the residential part of the village Ravda. Its proximity to the beach provides beautiful sea view, which in combination with green park ,with ornamental trees, flowers, playgrounds and walkways in front of the complex is a prerequisite for a relaxing family holiday. The building is located in a quiet and peaceful place, with close to shops and restaurants, walking paths and the beach of the Ravda. This unique combination is a prerequisite to the complex was used not only for recreation but also for permanent residence. Infrastructure development: Swimming pool for adults and children, children's corner, a sitting area and walks, parking, security. One bedroom apartment - 50 euros / night.Two bedroom apartment - 60 euros / night.

Type of accommodation:
Udaljenost od plaže:
100 m



per person

Welcome to Family Hotel “In Tsvetka”  , private accommodation in city Ravda, Bulgaria

The village has a small cape called "Ravda" which separates the seashore into two equally great parts known as Central Beach and South Beach. The dunes stretch northwards along the shore reaching the modern part of Nessebar. Our Family Hotel “In Tsvetka” is located only 130-150 m away from the covered by fine sand Central Beach and 200 m from the village center. Our Lovely Family Hotel is suitable for couples, friends and families wishing to spend their summer holidays in a quiet and hospitable environment. We offer: doubles rooms and triples rooms. All rooms are equipped with cable television, air conditioner, separate bathroom, refrigerator, and a balcony. We recommend our double room if you are planning a romantic holiday with your partner. If your roommate happens to be just a friend, then the double room with two separate beds is the right choice for you. The balcony faces the backyard of the house, far away from any street noise.

Type of accommodation:
Udaljenost od plaže:
100 m

Някои забележителности на местността и около курортното селище на с. Шкорпиловци 1. Местонахождение – на около 40км. на юг от гр. Варна 2. Плажна ивица с непрекъсната дължина от около 13км. (най-дългата на българското черноморие) и с ширина до 100 м. Тази плажна ивица свързва устието на р. Камчия на север и курортните комплекси на гр. Бяла и Обзор на юг. 3. В близост до селото на около 2-3 км. от него се намира резерватът за редки растителни и животински видове “Лонгоза”. 4. Там се намира Черни нос, чието турско име е Караборун или Карадере, който е най-северната точка на Стара планина при допира й с Черно море 5. От север и юг местността е заградена от два ръкава на вливащата се в Черно море Шкорпиловска река. 6. Изключително спокойно и очарователно място сред природен букети минерални води, подходящо за семеен туризъм, особено за семейства с малки деца, риболовци, авантюристи и почитатели на природата.. Исторически сведения за произхода на името: 7. След отстраняване на турското присъствие от България от чешките братя архитекти Карл и Херман Шкорпил проектират част от градоустройствен

Type of accommodation:
Udaljenost od plaže:
700 m

It is located in a calm and peaceful area near the center of Sinemorets and about 10 min away from the north beach "The river mouth " and the beach called Butamiata. Each floor comprises 2 rooms and 1 apartment. The rooms are cosy - doublebed + single bed. There is a bathroom and WC, a balcony overlooking the sea, TV and refrigerator in each room. The apartment comprises 2 rooms with two balconies and a bathroom and WC. There is a double room and two single beds in one of the rooms. In the other room there is a sofa, a round table, TV and refrigerator. The last panoramic floor comprises 3 rooms. There is a bathroom and WC in one of the rooms. The other two rooms share one bathroom and WC. There are TV, a refrigerator and air conditioner in each room. There is a splendid sea view from the balcony of each room. There is a large shared balcony for the people accommodated in these rooms. There are tables, chairs, TV and PC with access to internet on the balcony. You will be overwhelmed by the lovely sea view. The floor is equipped with an automatic washing - machine, a board for ironing and an iron. The floor is suitable and comfortable for a holiday of 2-3 friendly families or company not more than 10 people. Къщата се намира на тихо и спокойно място, в близост до централната част на Синеморец и на около 10 мин. от северния плаж " Устието ". Всеки етаж се състои от 2 стаи и 1 апартамент. Стаите са обзаведени приятно и уютно (спалня + 1 ед. легло). Всяка е със собствен санитарен възел, тераса с изглед към морето, телевизор, хладилник. Апартаментът се състои от 2 преходни стаи с две тераси и самостоятелен санитарен възел. В

Type of accommodation:
Udaljenost od plaže:
300 m

Семеен хотел Виктория се намира в новия град Созопол на около 100м от плаж Харманите. Разполага с 9 двойни, 5 тройни стаи и 1 студио. Всички стаи са с wc, tv,мини бар,тераса и климатик. Разполагаме със собствен паркинг. Работи целогодишно.

Type of accommodation:
Udaljenost od plaže:
100 m

The cottage is situated in Manastirski Rid Countryside, 12 km away from Varna and 500 m away from the Black Sea Resort St. Constantine and Helena, in the close of the Botanical Garden. The windows on the second floor look out on the Black Sea. The cottage consists of a semi-detached house with two separate entrances, spacious yard and a parking lot. The house offered for rent is the one with an area of 140 sq.m. Prices: Price for the whole cottage: Without additional beds – 120 BGN a day; With additional beds – 120 BGN + 10 BGN for each additional bed a day. For contacts: +359 888 843 110 - Diana Dimitrova dimitrova_d@abv.bg

Type of accommodation:
Udaljenost od plaže:
1 km

"Villa Tanja" befindet sich im k.k.:St.Konstantin und Elena" , 8 km. von der Stadt Varna. 300m. vom Strand und die Bushaltestellen Richtung Stadt Varna, k.k." Goldstrand"und " Albena". Bei uns ist ruhig, sauber und angenehm. Die Gaeste haben Kueche in den Appartements, Klimaanlage. Das Zentrum des Komplex ist 500 m.entfernt. Wir bieten Fruehstueck auf Wunsch an. Wir fahren auch gerne unsere Gaeste zum Einkaufen.

Type of accommodation:
Udaljenost od plaže:
300 m

Total found accommodation: 119