Kuće: Kavalastanovi, Grčka
Privatan smeštaj, apartmani, studia, sobe, kuće, vile: Kavalastanovi, Grčka
The apartments that are located in the villa "Makis House" in Chalkidiki not only offer a warm family environment, but also, that they are blessed from the tranquility of the surrounding nature and the proximity to the "Metamorfosis" beach that is only 250 meters away. They are ideal for individuals, couples, groups and families/with children that wish to enjoy their holidays in an environment that is relaxing, fun and with facilities that are offered for them and the children. Facilities: Apartments. Can have a combination of beds. Kitchen with basic appliances. WC with shower. Balcony. TV. Air Condition. Children's play ground. Swimming Pool.
You can find our rooms in the east side of Paleochora right next to the sea. You follow the road to Anydri & Gialiskari beach and you turn right in the first bridge you will meet. (about 900 meters from town center.) In our place you will appreciate the natural beauty and the Silence of the Sea. Here you will also find a private fully equipped beach, a comfortable and safe parking , a huge and safe place for your kids to play. All our rooms are air-conditioned ,equipped with private balcony, wifi, kitchen, fridge, tv, safebox, hairdryer and many other amenities and services.
DOBRO DOŠLI U HOTEL RACHEL I AEGINA OSTRVO Hotel Rachel je porodičan hotel, čist,siguran,udoban,dostupan,opuštajući i zabavan! Odlično lociran u centru oblasti Agia Marina na divnom ostrvu Aegina ,samo 15 milja od glavne Grčke Luke Piraeus/Athens. Locirana na najboljoj i naj organizovanijoj peščanoj plaži na ostrvu, blizu luke Aghia Marina i na maloj pešačkoj udaljenosti od glavnih objekata i šoping zone Sve što je interesantno, more, peščana plaža, restorani, kafići i barovi,diskoteke i prodavnice nalaze se u oklolini Hotela Rachel Birajući da boravite u Hotelu Rachel imate šansu da kombinujete miran i prijatan odmor sa posetom velikim i istorijskim znamenitostima i vidite Aegine i Atinu. Ukoliko želite možete posetiti susedna ostrva Hydra, Poros, Angistri, Methana i naravno Atinu onoliko često koliko želite budući da ima dosta brodića svaki dan, koji prevoze od ostrva Aegina do tih destinacija.Putovanje traje sat vremena. Prvi utisak koji ćete imati je prijateljsko i toplo okruženje u našem Hotelu Rachel. Naša savršena služba kombinovana sa lepom atmosferom i pogodnostima koje hotel pruža garantuje Vam prijatan boravak Hotel Rachel je renoviran skoro, ima jednosobne, dvosobne i trosobne , i porodične sobe. Recepcija, TV sala, Wireless Internet pristup u sali i sobama, ''internet ćošak ''sa komjuterom,skenerom,štampačem i fax uređajem, trpezarija,sala za doručak,Café / Bar,prodavnica odeće,nakita, detalja i poklona nudi veliki izbor proizvoda po specijalnim cenama i popustima najmanje 15% za goste Hotela Rachel. Sve sobe imaju nove anatomske dušeke, sopstveni WC,tuš , automatske klima uređaje,grejanje, digit. TV(više od 25 digitalnih kanala filmova, muzike, sportske, kao iradio).
In the heart of the Venetian olive of the capital-town of Lefkas in a compound of 5,500 m2, stand the Apartment Building "Anthia's garden." Choose one of the two maisonettes and one of the other rooms at your disposal and relax in the shade of ancient olive trees in the green and among the roses of our garden. Ride along the paths of the Venetian olive plain. Discover the historic chapels, fill yourselves with the scents of the island, enjoy all the amazing beaches of the north-western coast of the island only 850 m from the complex. The beaches of St. John's, Mills, Gyra, Kastro starting from the entrance in our island at the spot of the Venetian castle run for more than 6 km, spanning across the lagoon of Lefkada, which is protected by the Ramsar Convention . If you like wind or kite surfing, the beach of Mills, not far from our accommodation, will become one of your places of choice. At sunset time ,abandon yourselves to its colours from the seaside coffee shops in the capital town ,walk along the narrow streets of old town and discover pittoresque tavernas, where you can taste traditional dishes while listening to songs of the folk singers of Lefkas. If you love the nightlife, dozens of pubs will offer all the fun you want.
Na samo 400m od plaže Brentanos Apartmani smešteni su u divnom okruženju maslinovog i limunovog drveta nude bazu za odmor i opuštanje, na samo 8 km (5 miles) od centra grada Krfa. Brentanos compleks nudi divan panoramski pogled na Jonsko more, dok uživate ispijajući vaše piće pored bazena ili se opuštate na Vašoj terasi. U našem okruženju nalaze se maslinovo i limunovo drvo sa prelepim ružičnjakom, koji stvara pravu sredinu za opuštanje. Niz apartmana su na raspolaganju da Vas ugoste. Svaki je skroz namešten i opremljen svim kuhinjskim priborom. Lokalna prodavnica je na samo 300m(1000 ftod) od Brentanos-a pogodna za Vaše svakodnevne potrebe. Brentanos Apartmani su na kratkoj udaljenosti od kosmopolitskog grada Krfa, koji prikazuju tragove istorije Grčke. Istorijski deo je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a . Možete se diviti prirodnoj lepoti grada, koristiti prednosti brojnih kulturnih i godišnjih događaja i uživati u tradicionalnoj kuhinji.
Welcome to the island of Lefkada and hotel GRAND NEFELI 4 ****.The 4**** Hotel Grand Nefeli stands at Vassiliki Ponti 33klm from the city of lefkada Completed at 2004 in accordance with E.O.T (Hellenic organization of tourism) that stands the upcoming needs for luxurious tourism The hotel is placed in one of the most beautiful places of Lefkada the beach Ponti in Vasiliki, We Offer hi standarts accomodation with many services The region of Southern Lefkada is famous for Ponti beach, one of the ten best windsurfing beaches worldwide and Porto Katsiki beach which is included in the three most beautiful beaches worldwide! Since 2010 we consume 60& less energy,we have iso 14001 and ecolabel
Welcome to the Caravella Apartments. These newly built luxury apartments are situated in a quiet area of Paleochora, the small and beautiful tourist resort on the south coast of Crete. The friendly environment and the family atmosphere in combinations with the beauties of Paleochora is a guarantee for unforgettable holidays.
Ovo je vec sedma godina kako ova tradicionalna vila postoji kao hotel A klase,kategorije 4* Moye biti izdata na najmanje jednu nedelju ,7 dana, i to ceo objekat,bez usluge, nema B&B, i sa mogucnosu transfera automobilom od i do luke . Jedna kuca, u prizemlju se nalazi kuhinja,Wc, ima dva sprata sa po dva kreveta u svakom i moye se izdavati odvojeno. Udaljenost od mora je 20m, sapoplocanom stazom (videti sliku)Vila i samo mesto je sigurno i lepo,sa pogledom na more. Cena za boravak za 7 dana i za 4 osobe je 7x350=2.450Euros za Jul-August, 7x300=2.100Euros u Junu i Septembru i 7x250=1.750Euros za Maj. Za 2 osobe cena je 70% od gore navedenog (osim Avgusta) Postoji prevoyđz morem od Piraeus-a do Koufonissia i od Piraeusa to Naxosa, svako jutro od 7.20am. Svake Subote, Srede i Petka u 17.20pm t Blue-Star trajekt Naxos polayi od Piraeusa direktno do Koufonissi -ai stiže and u ponoć Svakog Ponedeljka , Četvrtka i Nedelje u 6.55am Blue-Star trajekt Naxos polazi od Koufonissi direktno do Piraeusa Najbliži aerodrom je Naxo aerodrom. Postoje svakodnevni letovi do Atine u n12.30 i stiyu u Naxos u 13.50pm. Od Naxosa možete produžiti na Koufonissi, svaki dan brodom Scopelitis u 14.00pm (osim Nedeljom) Ya sve informacije ZAZ TRAVEL 0030-22850-23330, 0030210-4121001 and Blue-Star ferries 0030210-4119313 or 217 or 215
Ukupno pronadjenih smeštaja: 559